Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens

Alexander Vantournhout (Roeselare, 1989) studied contemporary dance at P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts and Research Studios, Brussels) and single wheel at ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque, Brussels).
Alexander has worked with Rolf Alme (NO), founder of the Norwegian Theater Academy, Fredrickstadt (NO), as an actor and, in addition to focusing on his own work, Alexander also lectures at ESAC and ACAPA (Academy for Circus and Performance Art, Tilburg, NL).
He has created a number of solos including Caprices (2014), an evening filled with a choreographic solo and homage to the music of Salvatore Sciarrino, and Don’t run away, John (2012), a performance with Niko Hafkenscheid (musician Meg Stuart, Kopergietery, … ). In 2014 Alexander joined forces with Harald Austbø (Heimat, SKaGeN) to further develop his interest in improvisation. Their most recent collaboration is called WAK (2014).
“ANECKXANDER” (collaboration with Bauke Lievens became Laureat of CircusNext 2014, won laureate of TAZ, part of network Aerowaves and was selected for the Theaterfestival (Best performances of season 2015-2016 in Flanders (BE)).
Together with Koen Allary (Circuscentrum), Alexander is writing a book on circus.

Bauke Lievens works as a dramaturge for circus, theatre and dance compagnies (Cie Un loup pour l’homme, Kaori Ito/les ballets C de la B, Tibaldus en andere hoeren). She studied Performance Studies at the University of Ghent and Philosophy of Contemporary Arts at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
She is currently working on a two to four year research project on the methods for artistic research used in the creation of contemporary circus. She has published various articles on the topic of contemporary circus in CircusMagazine, Rekto:Verso and Courant. Bauke teaches Dramaturgy and Written Research at the Drama Department of KASK, School of Arts (Ghent, Belgium).