Collectif Petit Travers

Collectif Petit Travers was founded in 2003.

Since 2011, the artistic direction has been lead by both Nicolas Mathis and Julien Clément.

The activity of Collectif Petit Travers is mainly based on the creation and the distribution of juggling full length shows and transmission of knowledge, but was also partly dedicated until 2012 to the creation of dance/performance pieces.

In 12 years, Collectif Petit Travers created six pieces, including more than 1000 presentations across the world (England, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, China, Argentina, Chile, Israel, Turkey…).

Encounters and collaborations have been taking place with great names of Dance (Maguy Marin, Pina Bausch, Josef Nadj), de la Musique (Pierre Jodlowski, Sébastien Daucé), of Circus (Jérôme Thomas), and of Theatre, showing the opening dynamic characterizing the work of the collective, a juggling from the inside in order to create the widest and most expressive language possible.