Ivan Mosjoukine


Ivan Mosjoukine presents a show born from a burning desire to give the circus a new form of expression, to finally listen to what the moving body has to say and what the thinking mind has to do.

A show that is innovating.
A show made up of a series of impulsive vignettes.
A show that is – almost – pure entertainment, made up of about eighty vignettes about the circus itself.
A show about the flipside of things, about height, about anything and everything, about karaoke, about the tendency things have to fall, about the feeling that ‘there’s still time to react!’, about forgetting things, about marriage …
A show packed with one innovation after the other, about questions on the passing of time, the time which doesn’t pass, the ability to say what we’re thinking, or to say what we aren’t thinking, to accidently lose our hair, to turn our bodies upside down and inside out, where it’s not a question of black veils or secret passages, but of seeing again and again all those things you have already seen, girl jugglers and knife-throwers, acrobats and high-wire dancers, all these things that we thought we knew but have never seen this way.

Not to be missed!

On Saturday April 19th, 2014, Ivan Mosjoukine and its team presented for the last time their piece “De nos jours [notes on the circus]”. The artists are now in new adventures.