O Último Momento

The company “O Último Momento” was created in 2004 by João Pereira Dos Santos (Portuguese acrobat) and Guillaume Dutrieux (French musician). In 2005 they created their first show in Strasbourg called “Peut-être”. This show was performed more that 50 times across Europe and South-East Asia. The last performance took place in 2009.

In 2006 the company also created a show called Contigo; this was a solo project co-written by João Pereira Dos Santos and a famous Portuguese choreographer named Rui Horta. This show successively toured over 100 times in Europe, Asia, Africa, Northern and Southern America, and keeps on touring today.

In 2015, João created a new project with Elsa Caillat: “Abril”

In 2017 João Paulos Santos and Elsa Caillat (co-author and performer from Abril) staged the students of the 31st class of the ENACR / CNAC program. The show Para (éê) tre was presented on April 21st, 22nd and 23rd at the National School of Circus Arts in Rosny-sous-Bois.