Sandrine Juglair

Sandrine Juglair is a Chinese pole acrobat who graduated at CNAC in 2008 (19th promotion).

After the tour of “La part du Loup” directed by Fatou Traoré, she joined the company Cahi-Caha for the creation of “REV”. Then, she worked in different projects, in circus with La Scabreuse for a carte blanch at Les Subsistances in Lyon, or in dance with the choreographer François Raffinot or for the Opera La Scala de Milano.

In 2011, she created a short form in duo with Jean-Charles Gaume, “J’aurais voulu”, that will be touring again this year. In parallel, she started her research on “DIKTAT” that she put on standby in order to join the new creation of Cirque Plume, “Tempus Fugit”. After all these experiences, she has felt the necessity to create her solo “DIKTAT”.