Bastien Dausse from Barks company (2015-2016 circusnext supported company) is now a part of circusnext’s “20 Years” Season. On May 31, he will perform MOON – cabinet de curiosités lunaires in the gardens of Sainte Anne hospital in Paris.

Moon is a show imagined as a living and acrobatic exhibition. Like a cabinet of curiosities, Moon has been conceived as an accumulation of surprising antigravity devices, around which are imagined small forms of about ten minutes each. The public is invited to wander from one installation to another, like a guided tour in a museum.
Date May, 31 2022
Hour 11:30a.m, 3p.m & 6p.m (30 minutes free wanderings)
Where? Sainte-Anne hospital gardens, 1 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris
En collaboration avec le festival Re.Générations du Théâtre 14.